Best facial salon in salem

Face clean up

Maintaining your skin's health in this age of pollution, tanning, and stress is a herculean task, but care should be taken to look young and feel fresh. Face clean-up plays a vital role in enhancing your skin's health. A gentle face cleanser removes impurities that have accumulated in your pores while also nourishing your skin.


Facial massage aids in the renewal of skin cells and the removal of blemishes on the face. It also adds more vital nutrients that your skin longs for. We assure you that facials from our experts give you a complete package of oxygen, proteins, and nutrition for the skin. Get rid of toxins that underlie your skin.

Best facial salon in salem
Best skin D Tan in salem


De-tanning at Magnum helps increase the brightness of your skin and repair damage. It is all about exfoliation, which results in healthier and younger skin. Excess oil in your skin and the pH value can be controlled.

Face mask

Every skin type has its own nature that deserves a face mask of its own. Which aids in the deep cleansing of your skin and heals acne, scars, and hyperpigmentation. Face masks are made with unique ingredients that suit your skin type.

Best Facial salon in salem